Our editorial design unveils the reality of statistically invisible lives for UNICEF’s latest report.
When it comes to climate change, there is a segment of the population that has remained statistically invisible: children displaced by extreme weather events. For UNICEF’s latest report, our Editorial Team crafted a visually engaging design approach to bring this data to light, helping UNICEF gain the attention of the international community. Somewhere between an atlas and a report, our graphic design combines enhanced data clarity with maps and graphics, providing in-depth data analysis and insights.
We take pride in our contribution to disclosing these children’s compelling stories and in providing a roadmap for governments, the UN, communities, and organizations committed to helping those who have long been overshadowed and in need of assistance.
At its launch, “Children Displaced in a Changing Climate: Preparing for a Future Already Underway” garnered significant media attention (The Guardian, Time Magazine, CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, France24, UN News, Forbes, Euronews, Vatican News).
Another great opportunity to help create a positive impact.