Poliform bg
Blossom for


Feels like home
We feel at home when we perceive balance in a space. When we find a cozy sofa, a comfortable armchair, or an elegant table. But often, this seemingly effortless equilibrium actually requires meticulous care.
Feels like home

We feel at home when we perceive balance in a space. When we find a cozy sofa, a comfortable armchair, or an elegant table. But often, this seemingly effortless balance actually requires meticulous care.

Feels like home

What Blossom has done with Poliform - an internationally-known Italian company and leader in luxury design and furniture - closely resembles the painstaking process of building a well-constructed home and a sophisticated living space.

Feels like home

Patient and strategic work consists of reasoning, planning, listening and sharing ideas. To build a space where nothing is left to chance, each element must be in tune with the other.

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  • Laying the foundation

    Understanding a brand's true needs
  • Poliform approached Blossom with a specific request: the brand needed support for their digitalisation process.

    But for Blossom, whether it's a website, a Pinterest image, or an Instagram post, digital communication never stands alone. It's just one of the pieces of a broad strategic mosaic that forms a multichannel approach.

    Before being implemented, it must be carefully thought-out and designed.

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  • We supported Poliform with a comprehensive strategy.

    Working in close collaboration, we helped the company change its way of thinking and develop a global vision of communication in which their website, advertising, digital, social and physical touchpoints were all closely connected.

    A vision in which the company went beyond selling a product to create a valuable experience for its customers.

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of the project
Getting to know the brand

During the first project phase, Blossom carried out an in-depth audit to ascertain the brand's current state, observe internal mechanisms and identify possible areas for improvement.

As part of the process, Poliform's key stakeholders were interviewed to better understand how the brand was perceived internally.


The interviews revealed the richness of Poliform's corporate culture, built on a HUMAN PHILOSOPHY with people at heart.


Up until then, Poliform's communication outreach had been primarily product-centric, similar to many of its competitors.

Together, we determined that there was so much more to tell. Blossom defined the brand idea and values and helped Poliform tell the story in a different way, ensuring the brand stood out.

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Data that measures impact

(and improves it)

In this communication optimisation process, data analysis via the website and social channels served as a starting point and provided constant feedback. We developed a constructive method of monitoring and comparing the results with the client and taking action. The strategy enabled us to take full advantage of Poliform's digital media channels to produce clear and effective outreach.

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The data revealed the effectiveness of the new communication approach and provided useful insights into the market, identifying the countries where Poliform had the most followers as well as the products that attracted the most interest.

The insight was critical to departments that were seemingly distant, such as sales.

Blossom's approach gave them a glimpse into the importance of measuring communication and how the impact of each action should be evaluated across the board, from IT to product design.

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Building together

From Digital to Ai

The change in communication strategy:
Not just digital.

By intertwining the brand and digital strategy, Poliform realised that every aspect of the company was interconnected.


Blossom demonstrated how digital communication intersects with other aspects of corporate life, from corporate culture to customer experience, from employees to the sales network. These areas need to engage with each other for communication to be effective.

This new awareness triggered a shift within the company.


Blossom joined Poliform in digging deeper into its business dynamics and processes in order to rebuild them from the inside out. The communication approach evolved: it was no longer compartmentalized but holistic, and each department interacted with the others.


Not only did the design, planning and implementation of digital content change, but there was also a shift from a digital and social-centric vision to an integrated multichannel vision. The company's whole way of thinking had evolved.

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A new home.

More function,

more balance,

more beauty.

Find out what we do for our customers

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